Configuring SNMPv3 Users

The SNMPv3 Users table lets you configure up to 10 SNMPv3 users for authentication and privacy.

The following procedure describes how to configure SNMPv3 users through the Web interface. You can also configure it through ini file [SNMPUsers] or CLI (configure system > snmp v3-users).

If you delete an SNMPv3 user that is associated with a trap destination (see Configuring SNMP Trap Destinations with IP Addresses), the trap destination becomes disabled and the trap user reverts to default (i.e., SNMPv2).
If you configure an SNMPv3 user(s), the Device ignores all SNMP requests (Get and Set operations) from SNMPv2 users (sends the authenticationFailure trap).
If you want to use the same SNMPv3 Users table configuration for another Device, before uploading this Device's configuration file (.ini) to the other Device, you must edit the file so that the passwords ('Authentication Key' and 'Privacy Key' parameters) are in plain text.
To configure an SNMPv3 user:
1. Open the SNMPv3 Users table (Setup menu > Administration tab > SNMP folder > SNMPv3 Users).
2. Click New; the following dialog box appears:

3. Configure the SNMPv3 parameters according to the table below.
4. Click Apply.

SNMPv3 Users Table Parameters Description





Defines an index number for the new table row.

Note: Each row must be configured with a unique index.

'User Name'



Name of the SNMPv3 user. The name must be unique.

'Authentication Protocol'



Authentication protocol of the SNMPv3 user.

[0] None (default)
[1] MD5
[2] SHA-1
[3] SHA-2-224
[4] SHA-2-256
[5] SHA-2-384
[6] SHA-2-512

'Privacy Protocol'



Privacy (encryption) protocol of the SNMPv3 user.

[0] None (default)
[1] DES
[2] 3DES
[3] AES-128
[4] AES-192
[5] AES-256

'Authentication Key'



Authentication key (password). Keys can be entered in the form of a text password or long hex string. Keys are always persisted as long hex strings and keys are localized.

The value must be at least six characters (preferably 8 characters).


The parameter cannot be configured with wide characters.
To enforce the use of strong passwords (password complexity), configure the [EnforcePasswordComplexity] parameter to [1].

'Privacy Key'



Privacy key (password). Keys can be entered in the form of a text password or long hex string. Keys are always persisted as long hex strings and keys are localized.

Note: To enforce the use of strong passwords (password complexity), configure the [EnforcePasswordComplexity] parameter to [1].




The group with which the SNMPv3 user is associated.

[0] Read-Only
[1] Read-Write (default)
[2] Trap

Note: All groups can be used to send traps.